Our History

Until the 1930s the Catholics of Spearwood and surrounding areas held masses in a variety of places. In 1927 they secured the use of the Spearwood Market Gardeners and Fruit Growers Association Hall.

From 1927 to 1934 monthly masses were attended by a growing congregation. In 1934 despite economic difficulties the Spearwood congregation built the first Catholic Church in the district.

The limestone was donated by Andy Zemunik from his own quarry in Barrington Road. The builder, Fred Stevens, also completed all the timber finishings, including the bell tower, doors, floors, windows and pews.

Steve Dobra gave much time with his labour to help construct the church. This voluntary labour supplied by many in the parish assured minimal costs. St. Jerome’s Church was opened with a celebratory mass led by Archbishop Clune, and Father Goody among others.

There was a markedly strong influence by the Croatian people in the parish. The church determined the location of St. Jerome’s first school which was first held on its premises.

Later (1954) a purpose built school was constructed next door to the church. The church was a significant part of the Catholic community until the new St. Jerome’s was opened in 1987.

M Murphy; “Cosmopolitan Catholics; “A history of St Jerome’s Parish and School”.